Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009
"It works much the way a statin would work, by reducing the amount of cholesterol that the liver makes, but in a much gentler level," said Dr. Christopher Cannon a cardiologist at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital.
This latest study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine followed 62 patients who had tried taking prescription statins, such as Lipitor or Zocor, but complained it left them with severe muscle pains.
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Red Yeast Rice May Help Patients With High Cholesterol Who Cannot Take Statin Drugs
Doctors often prescribe statin drugs to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. These drugs, which interfere with the liver's production of cholesterol, are relatively safe for most people but sometimes can cause muscle problems known as statin-associated myalgia (SAM). Some patients who cannot tolerate statins because of muscle problems use the dietary supplement red yeast rice as a cholesterol-lowering alternative. In light of previous findings that red yeast rice can reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad" cholesterol), researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and Thomas Jefferson University investigated the effects of this supplement in patients with high cholesterol and a history of SAM. The study was funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with additional support from NCCAM.
The researchers assigned 62 patients from a community-based cardiology practice to receive either three 600-mg capsules of red yeast rice or three placebo capsules twice daily for 24 weeks. Both groups also received lifestyle-change instruction, including information on cardiovascular disease, nutrition, exercise, and relaxation techniques. A total of 59 patients completed the study.
Compared with placebo, red yeast rice significantly decreased blood levels of LDL and total cholesterol over a 24-week period, without increasing the incidence of myalgia. Red yeast rice did not significantly affect levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or "good" cholesterol), triglycerides, weight loss, or pain severity.
The study also found that red yeast rice did not significantly affect blood levels of liver enzymes or creatinine phosphokinase (CPK). This is of interest because some people who take statin drugs experience elevated liver enzymes, and because statin therapy is also associated with two rare but serious complications—myositis (muscle inflammation) and rhabdomyolysis (severe muscle breakdown)—indicated by high levels of CPK.
This was the first randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate red yeast rice in patients who cannot take statin drugs because of muscle pain. The results suggest that red yeast rice may be a cholesterol-lowering alternative for these patients, but additional, larger studies are needed to establish long-term safety and efficacy. The researchers also suggest studies to compare red yeast rice directly with statins and to explore the role of lifestyle change therapy.
* Becker DJ, Gordon RY, Halbert SC, et al. Red yeast rice for dyslipidemia in statin-intolerant patients. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2009;150(12):830–839.
Red Yeast Rice May Help Patients With High Cholesterol Who Cannot Take Statin Drugs
Doctors often prescribe statin drugs to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. These drugs, which interfere with the liver's production of cholesterol, are relatively safe for most people but sometimes can cause muscle problems known as statin-associated myalgia (SAM). Some patients who cannot tolerate statins because of muscle problems use the dietary supplement red yeast rice as a cholesterol-lowering alternative. In light of previous findings that red yeast rice can reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad" cholesterol), researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and Thomas Jefferson University investigated the effects of this supplement in patients with high cholesterol and a history of SAM. The study was funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with additional support from NCCAM.
The researchers assigned 62 patients from a community-based cardiology practice to receive either three 600-mg capsules of red yeast rice or three placebo capsules twice daily for 24 weeks. Both groups also received lifestyle-change instruction, including information on cardiovascular disease, nutrition, exercise, and relaxation techniques. A total of 59 patients completed the study.
Compared with placebo, red yeast rice significantly decreased blood levels of LDL and total cholesterol over a 24-week period, without increasing the incidence of myalgia. Red yeast rice did not significantly affect levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or "good" cholesterol), triglycerides, weight loss, or pain severity.
The study also found that red yeast rice did not significantly affect blood levels of liver enzymes or creatinine phosphokinase (CPK). This is of interest because some people who take statin drugs experience elevated liver enzymes, and because statin therapy is also associated with two rare but serious complications—myositis (muscle inflammation) and rhabdomyolysis (severe muscle breakdown)—indicated by high levels of CPK.
This was the first randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate red yeast rice in patients who cannot take statin drugs because of muscle pain. The results suggest that red yeast rice may be a cholesterol-lowering alternative for these patients, but additional, larger studies are needed to establish long-term safety and efficacy. The researchers also suggest studies to compare red yeast rice directly with statins and to explore the role of lifestyle change therapy.
* Becker DJ, Gordon RY, Halbert SC, et al. Red yeast rice for dyslipidemia in statin-intolerant patients. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2009;150(12):830–839.
ragi beras merah menurut
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INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir metode pengobatan modern untuk menurunkan kolesterol berpaling pada bahan tradisional, yakni ragi beras merah.
Bahan ini sebenarnya telah digunakan sebagai pengawet makanan, penyedap rasa dan bahan pewarna alami sejak beratus tahun lalu di Cina. Selain itu ragi beras merah dipakai sebagai obat pelancar peredaran darah dan saluran pencernaan.
Ragi beras merah menjadi efektif untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol karena mengandung sejenis statin. Sebuah penelitian pada 2008 menyatakan, ragi beras merah cukup manjur memotong setengah dari risiko serangan jantung.
Seperti dikutip dari harian The Los Angeles Times, seorang pasien mengatakan kadar kolesterolnya terus menanjak karena hobinya menyantap makanan sedap.
Dokter jantung menyarankan untuk mencoba ragi beras merah. Dalam waktu enam pekan saja, kadar LDL-nya turun dari 187 menjadi 123.
Meskipun demikian, pada sebagian orang konsumsi ragi beras merah mempunyai efek samping. Seperti nyeri otot, lemas dan berpotensi mengganggu liver. [L1]
INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir metode pengobatan modern untuk menurunkan kolesterol berpaling pada bahan tradisional, yakni ragi beras merah.
Bahan ini sebenarnya telah digunakan sebagai pengawet makanan, penyedap rasa dan bahan pewarna alami sejak beratus tahun lalu di Cina. Selain itu ragi beras merah dipakai sebagai obat pelancar peredaran darah dan saluran pencernaan.
Ragi beras merah menjadi efektif untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol karena mengandung sejenis statin. Sebuah penelitian pada 2008 menyatakan, ragi beras merah cukup manjur memotong setengah dari risiko serangan jantung.
Seperti dikutip dari harian The Los Angeles Times, seorang pasien mengatakan kadar kolesterolnya terus menanjak karena hobinya menyantap makanan sedap.
Dokter jantung menyarankan untuk mencoba ragi beras merah. Dalam waktu enam pekan saja, kadar LDL-nya turun dari 187 menjadi 123.
Meskipun demikian, pada sebagian orang konsumsi ragi beras merah mempunyai efek samping. Seperti nyeri otot, lemas dan berpotensi mengganggu liver. [L1]
Red Yeast Rice: rahasi penurunan kolesterol dari china
tahukah anda bahwa ragi beras merah berfungsi membantu menurunkan kolesterol?
semua orang harus mengetahui jumlah total kolesterolnya sendiri;jika punya anda tinggi, anda harus sudah memulai minum ragi beras merah untuk mengurangi kadar kolesterol anda. adalah yang terbaikbagi kadar kolesterol anda dibawah 200 miligram per deciliter, tetapi sepertiga dari orang amerika mempunyai kadar kolesterol batas atas antara 200 sampai 240 dan sekitar seperlima berada pada tingkat kandungan kolesterol tinggi diatas 240.
Jika kandungan kolesterol anda tinggi, dokter anda akan meresepkan obat jenis statin, seperti lipito, simvastatin, yang berfungsi untuk menghambat produksi kolesterol, tetapi jenis obat tersebut mempunyai resiko pada liver dan otot anda.
Dr. David Heber, Director dari UCLA Center for Human Nutrition, menyarankan alternatif yang lebih aman dari bahan alami yaitu ragi beras merah dari china,dibawah ini tanya jawab dengan Dr. Heber tentang treatment alami ini:
Q: Bagaimana cara menurunkan kolesterol secara alami?
A: ada beberapa saran. Pertama adalah mengurangi jumlah kalori makanan. jika anda kegemukan, mengurangiberatbadan anda sampai padaberat badan ideal adalah hal yang utama.
Lalu tingkatkan makanan yang mengandung serat diantara 25 sd 30 gram per hari. jika anda merokok, berhentilah. Yang paling penting, ada sejumlah suplement natural yang telah digunakan orang dengan kolesterol sedang dan tinggi. diantaranya, yang paling efektif adalah ragi beras merah dari china.
Q: Apa itu ragi beras merah china?
A: ini merupakan ragi merah yang tumbuh pada jenis beras tertentu. Telah dimakan lebih dari 500 tahun yang lalu sebagai bumbu masakan. ragi tersebut mengandung bahan yang masuk dalam famili momocalins, yang berfungsi menurunkan kolesterol dengan menghambat produksi kolesterol sama halnya dengan obat resep jenis statin.
Q: Bagaiman cara kerjanya?
A: di chinan, Ragi beras merah ditaburin diatas tahu atau daging dan memberikan rasa asem. Sangat mudah mencampurkan ragi beras merah didalam masakan atau meminumnya dalam bentuk kapsul. Dosis umumnya 2.4 gram sama dengan 4 kapsul.
Q: Apakah sudah di teliti lebih lanjut?
A: Ya.sebanyak 17 penelitian di china menghasilkan bahwa bahan ini sungguh memngurangi kadar kolesterol total. Sebagai tambahan terakhir dengan tes placebo dilakukan di UCLA yang hasilnya dipublikasi februari tahun 1999 di American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Q: Seberapa efektifkah fungsinya?
A: Kami menemukan didalam percobaan kami bahwa orang yang minum kapsul placebo tidak mengalami penurunan kolesterol sama sekali, disamping itu orang yang minum ragi beras merah mengalami penurunan kadarkolesterol sebanyak 15%, jumlah yang sangat signifikan. Bagi pasien dengan kandungan kolesterol 220 sampai 230 akan turun dibawah 200, setelah minum red yeast rice.
Kenyataannya 2.4 gram red yeast rice menghasilkan penurunanan kolesterol yang sama dengan 20 mg mevacor. Perbedaannya adalah mevacor dihasilkan dari bahan kimia sedangkan Red Yeast Rice senyawa yang dihasilkan cari proses alami.
Q: Apakah ada efek samping?
A: Sesugguhnya Red Yeast Rice adalah sangat aman. Seperti halnya peringatan yang tercantum dalam obat yang berfungsi menurunkan kolesterol : wanita hamil, anak-anak, orang dengan penyakit liver jangan mengkonsumsinya. Tetapi penelitian dengan hewan dengan jumlah dosis yang ribuan kali lebih banyak, tidak terlihat adanya fungsi liver yang abnormal sama sekali, jadi menurut kami sangat lah aman.
Q: Bolehkah saya menggunakan Red Yeast Rice bersamaan dengan obat yang diresepkan dokter?
A: Jika pasien dengan penyakit jantung, mereka harus minum obat yang paling baik dari pengobatan ala barat. dan tentu jika anda pernah mengalami serangan jantung, anda harus minum obat resep penurun kadar kolesterol. Tetapi bagi Anda yang relatif lebih sehat ( dan sangat banyak orang dengan kandunga kolesterol moderat tidak meminum obat konvensional, dengan persetujuan dokter, pasien dapat secara aman minum obat alami dan mengurangi resiko dari penyakit jantung dengan mengurangi kadar kolesterol.
Jika Anda ingin belajar lebih banyak dari Dr. Heber tentang Red Yeast Rice:
baca: Natural Remedies for a Healthy Heart, David Heber, M.D. (Avery Books, 1998)
Write: Dr. David Heber, Professor and Director UCLA Center for Human Nutrition
900 Veteran Ave., Rm. 1-2-213
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1742
red yeast rice discovery health
Red Yeast Rice: Chinese Secret for Lower Cholesterol
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Did you know that one of the red yeast rice benefits will help lower cholesterol? Everyone should know their total cholesterol levels; if yours is high, you may want to consider eating red yeast rice to lower your cholesterol. It's best for your cholesterol to be below 200 milligrams per deciliter, but a third of all Americans have cholesterol in the borderline 200 to 240 range and about one fifth are in the dangerously very high over 240 range.
If your cholesterol levels are high, your doctor can prescribe statin drugs, like Lipitor and Zocor, which inhibit cholesterol production, but these drugs pose risks to the liver and muscles.
Dr. David Heber, Director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition, may have found a safer, natural alternative in Chinese Red Yeast Rice. Below are Dr. Heber's answers to some frequently asked questions about this natural treatment:
Q: How can I reduce cholesterol naturally?
A: here are a number of things that are recommended. One is to reduce total caloric intake. If you are obese, achieving a healthy body weight is also extremely important.
Then there's increasing fiber intake to 25 to 30 grams per day. If you smoke, quit. Beyond that, there are a number of natural supplements that have been used for people with moderately high cholesterol. Among these, one of the most effective is Chinese Red Yeast Rice.
Q: What is Chinese Red Yeast Rice?
A: It is literally a red yeast that grows on a particular type of rice. It's been eaten in China as a spice for over 500 years. The yeast itself contains a family of substances called monocolins, which lower cholesterol by inhibiting cholesterol production in the liver in the same manner as prescription statin drugs.
Q: How do you take it?
A: In China, Red Yeast Rice is sprinkled on top of tofu or meat dishes, giving a tangy taste. It's relatively simple to incorporate Chinese Red Yeast Rice into the diet simply by making it an ingredient in your cooking or by taking it in capsule form. The typical dose is 2.4 grams a day as four capsules.
Q: Has Red Yeast Rice been studied?
A: Yes. Seventeen studies in China found that this particular strain would actually lower total cholesterol. In addition we've recently performed a double-blind placebo controlled study here at UCLA with the results published in the February 1999 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Q: How well does it work?
A: We found in our trial that those who took the placebo had no reduction in cholesterol, while those receiving the Chinese red yeast had a 15 percent drop in cholesterol levels. That's very significant. Often patients who have a cholesterol of 220 to 230 will have their cholesterol to drop below 200, after taking Red Yeast Rice.
In fact, 2.4 grams of the Red Yeast Rice resulted in similar decreases in cholesterol as 20 milligrams of Mevacor. The difference is that Mevacor is a purified chemical and the Red Yeast Rice is a mixture of naturally occurring compounds.
Q: Are there side effects?
A: Red Yeast Rice is fairly safe. It carries with it the usual warnings that are associated with cholesterol-lowering drugs: pregnant women shouldn't take it, probably children shouldn't take it, people with liver disease should not take this. But in animal studies, where dosages were given at a thousand times a human dose, there's no abnormal liver function seen at all, so we feel this is fairly safe.
Q: Can I use Red Yeast Rice instead of my prescription drugs?
A: If someone is diagnosed with heart disease, they should take the very best drugs that we have in Western medicine. And certainly if you've had a heart attack, you should take a cholesterol-lowering prescription drug. However, for those people who are relatively healthy (and there is a large number with moderately elevated cholesterol who are not currently taking conventional medicine), with their doctor's approval, these patients could safely take this natural drug and lower the risk of heart disease by lowering their levels of cholesterol.
Q: Where can I get Red Yeast Rice, and how much does it cost? And how is it taken?
A: You can get Red Yeast Rice at your local health food store.
If you'd like to learn more from Dr. Heber about Red Yeast Rice:
Read: Natural Remedies for a Healthy Heart, David Heber, M.D. (Avery Books, 1998)
Write: Dr. David Heber, Professor and Director UCLA Center for Human Nutrition
900 Veteran Ave., Rm. 1-2-213
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1742
amankah minum red yeast rice?
Red Yeast Rice and Cholesterol (cont.)
How safe are red yeast rice products?
Animal studies have been conducted in China using high doses of red yeast rice products. No damage to the kidneys, liver, or other organs were demonstrated in these studies.
Human trials in China and in the United States reported only rare and minor side effects of heartburn or indigestion with the use red yeast rice products. No liver, kidney, or muscle toxicity has been reported.
However, human trials in the United States and China have generally lasted only a few weeks to a few months. Thus, conclusive proof of long term safety (over a period of many years) will have to await further data (such as from data received after the products have been marketed or long-term clinical trials).
red yeast rice menurut
What is red yeast rice?
Red yeast rice is rice that has been fermented by the red yeast, Monascus purpureus. It has been used by the Chinese for many centuries as a food preservative, food colorant (it is responsible for the red color of Peking duck), spice, and an ingredient in rice wine. Red yeast rice continues to be a dietary staple in China, Japan, and Asian communities in the United States, with an estimated average consumption of 14 to 55 grams of red yeast rice per day per person.
Red yeast rice also has been used in China for over 1,000 years for medicinal purposes. Red yeast rice was described in an ancient Chinese list of drugs as useful for improving blood circulation and for alleviating indigestion and diarrhea.
Recently, red yeast rice has been developed by Chinese and American scientists as a product to lower blood lipids, including cholesterol and triglycerides.
Red yeast rice is rice that has been fermented by the red yeast, Monascus purpureus. It has been used by the Chinese for many centuries as a food preservative, food colorant (it is responsible for the red color of Peking duck), spice, and an ingredient in rice wine. Red yeast rice continues to be a dietary staple in China, Japan, and Asian communities in the United States, with an estimated average consumption of 14 to 55 grams of red yeast rice per day per person.
Red yeast rice also has been used in China for over 1,000 years for medicinal purposes. Red yeast rice was described in an ancient Chinese list of drugs as useful for improving blood circulation and for alleviating indigestion and diarrhea.
Recently, red yeast rice has been developed by Chinese and American scientists as a product to lower blood lipids, including cholesterol and triglycerides.
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Red yeast rice (Monascus purpureus)
Natural Standard® Patient Monograph, Copyright © 2009 ( All Rights Reserved. Commercial distribution prohibited. This monograph is intended for informational purposes only, and should not be interpreted as specific medical advice. You should consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making decisions about therapies and/or health conditions.
Red yeast rice (Monascus purpureus)
Red yeast rice is the product of yeast ( Monascus purpureus ) grown on rice, and is served as a dietary staple in some Asian countries. It contains several compounds collectively known as monacolins, substances known to inhibit cholesterol synthesis. One of these, "monacolin K," is a potent inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase, and is also known as mevinolin or lovastatin (Mevacor®, a drug produced by Merck & Co., Inc).
Red yeast rice extract has been sold as a natural cholesterol-lowering agent in over the counter supplements, such as Cholestin TM (Pharmanex, Inc). However, there has been legal and industrial dispute as to whether red yeast rice is a drug or a dietary supplement, involving the manufacturer, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the pharmaceutical industry (particularly producers of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor prescription drugs or "statins").
The use of red yeast rice in China was first documented in the Tang Dynasty in 800 A.D. A detailed description of its manufacture is found in the ancient Chinese pharmacopoeia, Ben Cao Gang Mu-Dan Shi Bu Yi, published during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). In this text, red yeast rice is proposed to be a mild aid for gastric problems (indigestion, diarrhea), blood circulation, and spleen and stomach health. Red yeast rice in a dried, powdered form is called Zhi Tai. When extracted with alcohol it is called Xue Zhi Kang.
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